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@jishin_dema さんによる注意喚起


ITEP (理論実験物理学研究所)

[![http://www.itep.ru/rus/in_rus.shtml?news_pre.shtml 過去のニュースに火災の写真があります。 「February 5 at the accelerator complex of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, caught fire in the cable channel laboratory building number 101.」ということで、火災が起きたのは加速器。原子炉とかとは別の建屋。加速器本体は2011年12月25日に停止したままであるとのこと。

  • 過去ニュースをgoogle翻訳にて英文にしたものをつけておきます。ところどころ訳文が変な感じがしますので、気になる人は原文を見てください。ケーブル火災っぽいので泡消火剤を使ったんだろうなあ。加速器ってケーブルの塊だし。消火に時間がかかったのもそのせいだと思う。[[$$wikipedia 世田谷局ケーブル火災]](NTT 1984年)も「17時間近くにわたり延焼」だったし。
Fire breaks out at the ITEP accelerator complex eliminated

February 5 at the accelerator complex of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, caught fire in the cable channel laboratory building number 101.

The signal received at the fire control room in 5 hours 19 minutes. Fire units arrived at the fire in 5 hours 26 minutes. and began to fire. Fire fighting closure of complicated contours of the accelerator center of the collector and a strong smoke.

At 18 hours, the fire is fully localized, fire calculations carried out by pouring some cable channels. At 22:00 fires cable networks in the basement of the building stopped, continued pouring water and foam to prevent possible ignition of smoldering parts of the cable insulation.

At 1:40 on February 6 by professional Emergency Fire eliminated. At the moment, is pouring some parts of the cable insulation. In place of duty four firefighters calculation.

The duty staff of the accelerator was evacuated in time, there were no injuries. The accelerator has not worked since December 25 of 2011. Sources of radiation and explosive equipment is not on the accelerator. Radiation risk is absent. The institute established a commission to investigate the causes of fire.

05.02.2012 (16:20)

Information about the fire at the ITEP accelerator complex
Fifth day of February in the ITEP accelerator complex for a fire is currently unknown reason. The signal of the fire entered the control room 01 in 5 hours 19 minutes. Fire units arrived at the fire in 5 hours 26 minutes. and began to fire. Duty personnel were evacuated in time, there were no injuries. There is an ongoing fire fighting forces of the Emergencies Ministry.

According to the schedule of work, the accelerator has not worked since December 25 of 2011. Sources of radiation and explosive equipment is not on the accelerator. Radiation risk is absent.

Director of ITEP: Yu.F.Kozlov 
Head of the Accelerator Centre ITEP: N.N.Alekseev



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